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Common Eating Disorders Among Men


People with anorexia may have an intense fear of gaining weight and may severely restrict their calories and use other methods such as exercise or purging to control their weight, even if it means becoming underweight or emaciated. Despite their thin appearance, they may never believe they are thin enough.


Bulimia involves a destructive cycle of bingeing and purging. After binge eating, people with bulimia may take extreme measures such as vomiting, overexercising, fasting, or using laxatives to get rid of the excess calories and avoid weight gain.

Binge Eating Disorder

People with binge eating disorder compulsively overeat, consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time. Despite feeling guilty and ashamed of these secret binges, they may feel unable to control their behavior or stop eating even when they are uncomfortably full.

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